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VizCo for Creo View: Image

Assembly Compare
for Creo View™

Compare the designs automatically in order to immediately identify and understand differences. With VizCo from CADS Engineering GmbH, you can compare components in Creo View© and identify differences without any problems. Thus, you save time, speed up the design process and improve productivity. The VizCo tools compare components in order to graphically depict the differences between two versions of a design so that differences, which have been caused by design changes, can be quickly identified.


to help you manage your products


Added components

VizCo compares all assembly units with the same name. Parts that are available only in a new structure (Structure 2) shall be designated as being added and shall be correspondingly displayed in green.


Obsolete components

Components that are available with the same name in the old structure (Structure 1), but are no longer included in the new structure (Structure 2, 3, or more) shall be designated as being obsolete and shall be correspondingly displayed in red.


Mit der Save Funktion können Sie eine VizCo Datei erzeugen. Damit können Sie zB. Außendienstmitarbeiter (Service, Vertrieb usw.)  VizCo-Vergleiche offline zur Verfügung stellen, welche vor Ort mit dem Kunden besprochen werden können.

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Amended Version

Similar to the position analysis, the components here that cannot be categorised to the obsolete or added categories shall be analysed according to their version used. The value of the attribute “PTC_WM_REVISON” shall serve as an analytical criterion. If there is a difference, these components shall be designated as being amended in the version and shall be correspondingly displayed in yellow


Changed Position

All components that are not categorised as being obsolete or added must be analysed according to their absolute position. If the position information in the old structure (Structure 1) and the new structure (Structure 2) is not conformant for both structures, these components shall be designated as being changed in the position and shall be correspondingly displayed in blue.


Export to Excel

For continued usage, the analytical results shall also be optionally stored in a file in MS-Excel© format. The file shall contain columns with the file name, old version, new version, old position, new position, status (values: unchanged, added, obsolete, changed in the position).
The cells for which no values are available (e.g.: new version for obsolete components) shall remain empty.

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Diese Funktion bietet dem Anwender die Möglichkeit die Reihenfolge wer mit wem verglichen wird umzudrehen. Da Creo View standardmäßig immer die erste Komponente im Modellbaum verwendet, was jedoch – anhängig davon welcher Baugruppe als erstes hinzugefügt wurde – stimmen muss.


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Diese Funktion bietet dem Anwender die Möglichkeit die Reihenfolge wer mit wem verglichen wird umzudrehen. Da Creo View standardmäßig immer die erste Komponente im Modellbaum verwendet, was jedoch – anhängig davon welcher Baugruppe als erstes hinzugefügt wurde – stimmen muss.

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